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​Lending Library Opening + Show

Thursday, July 18th from 5:30- 8:00pm

Nashville Public Library Main Branch Mezzanine Gallery
615 Church St.


Show runs July 11th- August 16th


Following the successful first phase of the Lending Library, a unique Metro Arts partnership with Nashville Public Library which allows any library card holder to check out works of art from local branches, we are excited to celebrate an expansion of the Collection. Metro Arts has purchased 53 new works from local artists to distribute across five library locations: Donelson, Green Hills, Old Hickory, Hermitage, and East.


Library patrons will be able to view the entire collection at the Main Branch Mezzanine Gallery from July 11 until August 16. The works will then be distributed to the new branches and available to check out with a library card.​

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Artes metropolitanasvisiónes que todos los habitantes de Nashville deberían tener acceso a una vida creativa, y pocos lugares son más accesibles que las bibliotecas públicas de nuestra ciudad. Lanzada en el verano de 2021, Metro Arts Lending Library es una asociación con la Biblioteca Pública de Nashville, establecida con el objetivo de ampliar el acceso a las artes para todos los habitantes de Nashville y brindar apoyo directo a los artistas locales. 


Sesenta obras de arte originales de artistas del área de Nashville están disponibles para cualquier persona con unTarjeta de la Biblioteca Pública de Nashville para pagar en las sucursales de Madison y sureste de NPL. Aprenda más en elSitio web de la Biblioteca Pública de Nashville.


Vea el video de descripción general sobre la Biblioteca de préstamo de arte de Metro a continuación, y vea videos con artistas individuales en nuestroCanal de Youtube



Metro Arts purchased sixty works of visual art from local artists and launched the Lending Library, a program which allows Nashville library card holders to browse and check out works of art in 3-month blocks of time.


Sixty original artworks from Nashville-area artists are available for anyone with a Nashville Public Library card to check out at NPL’s Madison and Southeast branches. Learn more on the Nashville Public Library website.


View the overview video about the Metro Arts Lending Library below, and watch videos featuring individual artists on our YouTube channel

Lending Library Collection (2021)
Lending Library Collection (2024)
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